Sunday, June 29, 2008

Caleb's Birthday Weekend Day 2

Today Jarrett took the big kids exploring while Karly and I stayed home and cleaned. (we also played with the big kids toys, but shhh.. don't tell them that.) Before they went exploring Jarrett took Caleb to get the BB Gun he's been wanting.
Kyndal thinks she's so cool now. She finally has a 'hunting shirt'. Every time it comes through the laundry I put it with the boys stuff. I've got to get used to this. lol
They went to Richland Creek. It's just down road. And it sure is pretty! I'm so glad I got smart and sent my camera with Jarrett. He actually got some pretty good pictures!

Here's Caleb shooting his bb gun.

Yup, they're in the water. Thanks for more icky laundry, Jarrett.

Look how happy they look! I wonder if they are having THAT much fun or if they are just glad to be away from me. LOL
I just liked this one of Connor so I'm sharing it too.
I'd say Caleb had a fun weekend, filled with things he likes.
Birthdays are DONE until next year. :)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Caleb's Birthday Weekend Day 1

We started off the day cleaning. Nothing special. Waiting for Jarrett to get home from work. At about 11 he came home and we started the birthday weekend.
We were hungry and decided to go to Oma's Jiffy Burger. If you've never been there, well, you need to go. They have the best burgers!
And the line was long. We waited, and waited....
Then headed to the car show. I want this one.
This one was cool because it had the mirror in the hood. It was too tall for me to see the motor anyway, so at least I could look in the mirror. lol
Connor and Caleb liked this one. They have a toy car just like it.
They had a doll standing against this car. Karly didn't know what to think. Karly said, "She's mad." LOL (if you make the picture bigger you can see her expression)
A red corvette. Connor is already saving his money.
This was interesting. We walked by and thought the lady in there was staring at us. She was.
After looking at the cars, the kids wanted to play. Okay, Karly wanted to play. You can't go to the park with a 3 year old and not let her play!!

Connor found a tree. He said it had a belly button. He stuck his finger in. He smelled his finger. Is he gross or what? A boy thing?
Karly and Caleb were spinning really fast! Jarrett loves doing this kind of stuff.
And here's Miss Karly dizzy as can be! It was so funny and so sad at the same time.
Daddy decided to be nice to Karly and just push her on the swing.
We were hot and tired of playing and looking at cars so we headed for a sno cone. Caleb is wondering why I must take a picture of him every where we go.
Oops, almost left off a cute pic of Kyndal at the park.
We had to shop for some clothes for Monday night, so we headed up to the mall. We went to Shepler's, looking for me some boots. I just couldn't decide and all the one's I liked were outrageously priced. Figures huh? Karly had a good time and I had to snap a pic! She rode that little horse all through the store. I guess we should get her one. Look, I'm in a picture!
Hey! There I am again!! Silly boys!

Silly girls!
Close up of my girls...
We told the waitress at Applebee's that it was Caleb's birthday, and Jarrett even mentioned dessert but I guess she forgot and by the time we got our ticket we were freezing and ready to just go. So we decided to take the kids to Marble Slab. Kyndal couldn't be happier. That child loves her ice cream. She got cheesecake ice cream and had strawberries mixed in.
Caleb couldn't decide what he wanted. There's so much to choose from. I love this place.
All of the kids were HAPPY at the same time!

The day had to end somewhere, right? Well, this was it. Okay, not really. We went to Blockbuster and rented some movies. Came home, watched a couple and went to bed.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Caleb!

I can't believe he's 8 today!!

I tried to make it a fun day, but it just didn't happen. He was so rotten with me today. And of course, me being the mean Mom that I am, I don't care what day it is, that type of behavior isn't acceptable. Jarrett called and wanted me to take the boys to his job so they could work with him. Thank YOU Jarrett! So Caleb DID get to do something fun. We are planning more fun for the weekend. Hopefully we'll both be in a better mood tomorrow. Be watching for lots of pictures!!

Jarrett's mom sent us these pictures. Meet Stormy, Caleb's new horse. He is SO excited! We need to get out to east Texas and see her soon!!

Something Fun!

I only got 4 right, how 'bout you??

My Husband Rocks!!

I'm going to keep it short today because I don't want to use up all the good stuff!
Jarrett ROCKS because he's such a fun guy! He's funny, fun to be around and he's like a big kid! He's just as much fun today as he was when we were 16. (omg, that was 16 years ago ACK!!)

If you'd like to join us in telling us why your husband ROCKS on Fridays, click this link!

The Great Adventure

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Painted Table And Chairs

Let me just say, it's not perfect and my house is still trashed from all the projects I have going.
Here is the before picture of my table. Blech.

Yes, I know we're missing the cross bar underneath. But doesn't it look so much better now that it's painted?
Here it is, back in my kitchen.
Another view.....
I'm planning to make some cushions for the benches and I may have to figure out a way to make a clear table cloth cause I know my kids will have this scratched up in no time.
Next time I do this, remind me to wear gloves. My fingers are BLACK and I'm having a tough time getting it off. How'd I do the table you ask? I used liquid sander to take the shine off, underneath the table and chairs I used the cheapest black spray paint from Wal Mart, on the rest of the table I used black satin spray paint. And it was all done before lunch. Go me!

Monday, June 23, 2008

My Attempt At A 'Window Mistreatment'

You should check out the blinky to Nesting Place if you haven't already. I got the idea to make my curtains from there. When I grow up, I want to be like her. :)
So, I tried it and it's VERY easy. But do they look ok?? Yes, I know my rod needs to be painted, that's next! The curtains are already clipped together, so taking them down shouldn't be too hard. The picture in the picture doesn't match either. I have a solution for that too. I just haven't gotten started on it. Oh AND I didn't bother cleaning up for the pic. As if you couldn't tell.

I added some black rope to the red curtain.
Close up of the fabric I used.
It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful, right??

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Got It At A Garage Sale

For a while now, the girls have been sleeping on mattresses on the floor. They both broke their beds/frames. I've been looking at bunkbeds but what I like is out of my price range. We decided to hit up some garage sales today and looky what I found! This will work!! I'd like to either paint it or stain it cause I really don't like this color for their room. Do you think paint will scratch off? Any tips on what I should do?
Kyndal has a writing desk.
And I let Karly use the bookshelves. We're not done cleaning and putting things on the shelf yet. That will give us something to do tomorrow.
On my way out, I saw this. The kids are all about making inventions lately.

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