Monday, April 28, 2008

Ugh, I was doing so good...

I woke up pretty early today and decided not to have any cigarettes. I had my coffee w/out smoking. That's HUGE. Then we went shopping at the outlet mall. (which btw is getting a Gymboree in May- WOOHOO) Then we went to Wal Mart. Wal Mart always makes me wanna smoke. So I bought some and had my first one of the day at 12:45. I've had 6 now. UGH!!! I did all of that this morning w/out even wearing a patch. But now I have one on so hopefully it'll kick in and I won't smoke anymore today.
Oh, and I only had ONE pack of cigarettes from Friday - Sunday. :)


Tiara said...

Hope it gets easier for you Christina!

Christin&Co. said...

I am proud of you for doing your best. Keep it up.

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