Hey y'all! I figured it's time I start showing some of the areas of the new place. First up, an area I'm not sure I like. So tell me what you think.
First, here's a lovely apron that I got. I LOOOOVE IT!!! In fact, I love it so much, I'm decorating my kitchen around it. haha!!!

I'm hoping to replace that gold light fixture too. It just does NOT agree with me. Ick. Check out the table runner. Too cute!! I need help with a center piece. I've never had one. I guess cause I don't know how to make it look right.

My little shelf (garage sale $3). It needs help too. Any idea how I could make this look better??

And a close up of the flower that the kids brought me. Looks like it's about time they go get me another. :D (pink vase- dollar tree/ green vase- garage sale .25)

Now I'm going to get dressed and go to Goodwill in search of vintage pyrex dishes. Wish me luck!